What Is Causing Your Worsening Vision

Your already poor vision is most likely going to further worsen until you get to the bottom of why your vision is going bad in the first place. It could be due to your age, or an illness such as diabetes, or it may be due to something you're doing daily that you aren't aware is causing your vision problem. Whatever the problem, you should get to the bottom of it by meeting with your optometrist for an appointment and having your eyes checked, in addition to discussing your vision health. Read on for reasons your vision could be worsening.

1. Your Medication

Whatever medication you are taking for your illness could be causing problems with your vision. Be sure to talk to your optometrist about what medications you are taking and let him know that you have noticed the worsening vision since taking your medication if this is the case. Vision problems could be a side effect of the medication, which you could talk to your physician about as well. Another medication may need to be used in order to prevent any other vision concerns.

2. Your Illness

If you have an illness such as diabetes, it may be affecting your vision. Be sure your optometrist is aware of your diabetes and any medications you may be on for your diabetes. There may be something that can be done to help prevent any further worsening vision concerns, including getting your diabetes under control. This is something you should also bring up to your physician as well.

3. Your Job

If you work at a desk all day and work on a computer, your eyes could be suffering because of this. Be sure you are doing what you can to protect your eyes while working, including making adjustments to your screen or your seat, being sure to take breaks from your computer throughout the day to allow your eyes to rest and to re-wet by blinking. If you are on your computer all day, you could end up with eye strain, shoulder and neck issues, and also migraine headaches. Take a break at least once per hour and look away from your screen to give the eyes a break. Sit up in your chair and don't hunch forward to see your screen or squint to see the screen. If you have to do either of these things, you should make any necessary adjustments to help you see your computer screen.

These are just a few of the things that could be causing your vision to worsen. Be sure to get your eyes examined each year to diagnose any vision concerns and to prevent any worsening problems. Contact a facility near you to schedule one of their appropriate eye exams.
